What is the Purpose of a Universal Basic Income?

Dan Hurt
3 min readJan 23, 2023


If you’re curious about the purpose of universal basic income, you’re in the correct spot. The purpose of a universal basic income is to ensure that all citizens get a sufficient, independent income that fits their requirements.

Y Combinator, a Mountain View-based business incubator, has announced intentions to research universal, necessary income. However, they have been unable to acquire the necessary finances, and their trial cannot commence until they do.

The study will compare the impacts of a monthly guaranteed payment versus those of a non-guaranteed payment. The objective is to see if a routine monetary transfer can assuage concerns about automation.

Y Combinator has contracted with the Survey Research Center of Michigan to perform the research. Three thousand individuals from two states will be selected following the screening. Over the course of five years, these individuals will get up to $1,000 every month. Depending on the participant’s eligibility for current benefits, this amount may vary.

More than thirty mayors have established the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income alliance (MGI). They think that guaranteed income schemes complement the social safety net.

Multiple mayors have already implemented pilot projects in their respective communities. These initiatives provide direct monthly cash payouts to users. The purpose of the initiative is to address structural economic disparities. Numerous initiatives that guarantee an income are supported by either private or governmental sources.

Ithaca, New York, is home to one of the nation’s most significant guaranteed income pilot projects. Recipients must be under the city’s median yearly income and younger than 18 years of age. Participants can obtain free financial education classes in addition to the guaranteed income.

Shreveport, Louisiana, established a test program for a guaranteed income in February 2022. During the trial, people will receive direct monthly cash payments. Those who qualify will get funds for food and clothing purchases. The pilot has distributed $3.9 million as of June.

Universal basic income is the name given to a scheme that provides everyone, regardless of income, with a guaranteed monthly income. Theoretically, it would eliminate poverty and bureaucracy while simultaneously enhancing the health of all residents. It has been a matter of heated controversy in many nations throughout the world.

UBI has been around for a long time, but it has lately garnered increased interest due to technology advancements and the impending replacement of many occupations by automation. However, the usefulness of a basic income is contingent on how it is funded.

Multiple studies have examined the advantages of a universal basic income. One research contrasted the impact of a basic income with a conventional unemployment insurance scheme. According to the studies, a basic income improves employment and mental health.

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is attempting to spread the word about a universal basic income. He has a strategy, a catchphrase, and numerous other glistening items. However, he has not provided a budget or any quantitative evidence to support his assertion.

A campaign for a universal basic income is trendy for a reason. A new study indicates that within 12 years, 45 million American employees will be unemployed. Chronic unemployment will eventually harm American society if the government is unable to find means to recreate lost jobs.

Introducing a UBI, or a “Freedom Dividend,” as Yang refers to it, is one method to get the ball moving. This is not a wholly novel notion, but offering a regular, guaranteed monetary payout is.

One of the first communities in the United States to trial a universal basic income (UBI) scheme is Stockton, California. Stockton has a population of over 300,000 individuals. It is situated in California’s Central Valley, 85 miles east of San Francisco.

Stockton is home to the nation’s first guaranteed income program overseen by a mayor. The initiative was aimed at promoting low-income individuals’ economic stability.

Prior to the beginning of the pilot, Stockton was recognized as the foreclosure capital of the United States. Homelessness increased dramatically due to a shortage of affordable homes. In reaction, local officials reduced public services.

Michael Tubbs, the mayor of Stockton, began investigating the subject of a guaranteed income after his reelection effort failed. The Economic Security Project was initiated with aid from Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes.



Dan Hurt
Dan Hurt

Written by Dan Hurt

Daniel Hurt is a cloud computing specialist proudly serving Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and the surrounding area.

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